
Facts Not a Stumbling Block for Malkin

webevintage12/16/2009 7:13:20 pm PST

re: #475 theheat

For some reason, the idea of choiceless and knocked up is so appealing to those who are not, particularly if they can somehow further demean the affected.


Control over women, control over our lives and how once we can control our reproductive lives they have now lost control of us.
(that would be dudes like Dobson and Phyllis (do as I say not as i do) Schlafly)

The other “pro-life” folks who get my ire are those who want to end abortion but also do not want welfare or section 8 housing or food stamps or daycare funding or…well I could go on and on.
(The Catholic church is not in this groups as they support social programs that help poor and lower middle class woman and families, but conservative pols would be more who i am thinking of)