
Obama's BP Speech

508 7:13:58 pm PDT

re: #491 Gus 802

I meant permanently. That is some are unhappy with just seeing a 6 month moratorium and wanted to hear Obama say that it should be ended. That’s some of the responses I’m seeing related to the speech. Responses on the internet though and not here.

Gus - a six month moratorium is pretty permanent.
The rigs that are there now are the newest, most up-to-date rigs there are.

They are leaving. They will enter into long-term contracts with companies drilling off the coast of China or Brazil (who I’m not sure are nearly as environmentally concerned as we are), and they will not be back.

It takes years to build ONE RIG. They are not built overnight. And there are only a limited number of businesses doing it. A six month moratorium means drilling in the Gulf is essentially over for several years.