
Onion: Terrorists Planting Normal Hard-Working 'Decoy Muslims'

Killgore Trout1/30/2011 3:29:35 pm PST

re: #491 Gus 802

1954-1970: CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser

Robert Dreyfuss

Robert Dreyfuss is a freelance investigative journalist whose work has appeared in The Nation, Rolling Stone, Mother Jones, The American Prospect, and other progressive publications. His work also appears on line at

Dreyfuss received a bachelor’s degree from Columbia University. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Dreyfuss was Middle East Intelligence director of the Executive Intelligence Review, the flagship journal of the Lyndon LaRouche movement.[1][2] His 1981 book, Hostage to Khomeini, was commissioned by Lyndon LaRouche[3] and it was cowritten with Thierry LeMarc. The book was published by the LaRouche publishing house of the time, New Benjamin Franklin House.[4][5

Give me a fucking break