
Announcing: The Random Donald Trump Tweet Machine

Dr. Matt6/09/2016 9:55:54 am PDT

Very interesting read. In short, the Trump campaign to GOTV at the state level is pretty much non-existent.

Trump’s ground game? Let the state parties get out the vote, but don’t talk to ‘em or fund ‘em

Meanwhile, RNC officials still aren’t even sure where the campaign has already deployed staffers. Trump’s field organization is a patchwork of aides, some paid, some retained on a volunteer basis and many left over from the Republican primaries. While he has campaign chiefs in Florida — and solidly blue states like Washington and New York — in crucial battlegrounds including Ohio and Colorado, Trump doesn’t have so much as a state director.

And what’s happening in places like Michigan, one of some 15 states The Donald has promised to flip? Here’s the scoop from Michigan Republican Party communications director, Sarah Anderson.

“I think we will hear from them, but this campaign is just different than what’s been typical,” Anderson said. “I don’t think we’re surprised to not hear from them at this point. I think they’re just not there yet.”