
Creationist Hearings Scheduled in Texas

el guape1/17/2009 11:31:42 pm PST

re: #507 Haverwilde

You have quoted me out of context. I pointed out that it is difficult (and by this I mean impossible) for a materialist worldview to include morality, because morals are not material. Fairly simple. And yes, science is a study of material things and by definition cannot study that which is not material. I agree wholeheartedly.

And I don’t find fault with you for failing to focus on ‘my worldview’ at all - please point out where I stated that you should focus on ‘my worldview’. I merely point out that morality cannot be found through a materialist view of the universe.

Please demonstrate where I have argued that science is an ‘abomination.’

The subject was not changed at all. I even went as far as to further clarify the two points I made, and attempted to show that from a purely material worldview one cannot derive morality. I also did not claim there could be ‘no moral behavior’. I claimed that moral law implies a moral law giver. That’s all. Atheists can behave morally, however they cannot provide a reason why they do.

Not all knowledge is empirical. To claim such a thing would be irrational.

Further, please point out to me where I advocated imposing ‘a a religious doctrine on a non-religious subject.’

To repeat the point in a more relevant context….why is it wrong for Behe and the ID crowd to push their agenda into schools? Is it because their ideas are debunked, trashed, scoffed at etc by the worlds eminent scientists? Still….so what? The materialist worldview cannot claim that pushing lies on people is wrong because that is a moral claim.