
Overnight Open Thread

Oh no...Sand People!3/26/2010 8:11:17 am PDT

re: #492 drcordell

Where have I moved the goalposts? I’m specifically referring to what I have read in all of the articles describing Obamas meeting with Bibi. And every single article describes the point of contention as settlements in “East Jerusalem.” Now whether or not that’s referring to the settlements you are speaking of, I don’t know.

For the sake of argument, feeling magnanimous today, I will recant the ‘goalpost’ comment. The greatest underlying theme for all us lizards to take from this dialogue is the ‘since Fox News is officially the bad guy and we are all ‘Hopey Changin’ all the rest of the media is now ‘truth’ and gets a pass’.

Pro tip: All media sucks and has an agenda. Be wary. Fact check.