
Todd Palin Pals Around with White Supremacist Blogger

elbruce9/03/2010 8:30:26 pm PDT

re: #498 marjoriemoon

How is Israel racially separated?

Well (and I keep getting shit for this, as if a minority shouldn’t care) the name of the country is “Israel,” which means “the Jewish people.” It’d be like having a country named “Islam” or “Christianity.” The flag is a mogendavid superimposed over a tallit. Right of return applies to Jews only, but not to Palestinians, Canaanites, Samaritans, or any other group with a purported historic claim to that region as its homeland. There are a variety of other local laws that the Orthodox’s have gotten pushed through so they don’t have to encounter anything they don’t like in specific areas.

Other than that, Israel also happens to be the most open and democratic nation in the region. I’m not saying that it is racially separated, I was just originally clarifying Imam Rauf’s observation that if it isn’t, it’s going to end up with a majority of Arabs living there in the long run anyway.