
The Michael Brown Shooting Incident Report Is Ridiculous

A Mom Anon8/22/2014 11:06:15 am PDT

re: #39 Pie-onist Overlord

I am SO sick of not just the bullshit about Jewish people in general, but I am OVER the words “special ed”, “retard”, “rides the short bus” etc etc, being used as an insult.

My kid rode one of those busses in elementary school. He’s not low IQ, he’s not remotely close to “retarded”, spent 8 yrs in Special Education and is one of the brightest, bravest and smartest people I’ve ever known. He had shit thrown at him while waiting for the bus to go to school, while people screamed at him he was a retard and a faggot. He received abuse at school, that had adults done that shit to each other, charges would have been filed. He’s been out of school for two years and is only now slowly recovering from that shit. So I kinda take it personally. Maybe I shouldn’t and should consider the hateful asshole source, but god I’m so sick of it. It’s right up there with “like a girl” being some sort of horrible thing.

No, I’m not stressed out at all thankyewverymuch. GAH!!