
Thursday Night Acoustic Jam: Nicolò Renna Trio, "Las Abejas"

Reality Based Steve10/29/2015 7:00:18 pm PDT

I have decided that in 4 years I’m going to take a sabbatical from whatever I’m doing and run for President on the GOP ticket. Since apparently facts don’t matter and any connection between policy proposals and reality is tangential at best, I figure I can make up any old shit I want and then when the media calls me on it, I’ll just rant on “Lamestream Driveby Media”.

Of course, at some point, probably my intestines will jump out of my body and strangle me to put an end to it, but that ‘s the risk I’m willing to take.

Who want’s to run my SuperPAC, “Make America Free Like Somalia (but much Whiter)”