
Video: Joni Mitchell Live, 1970: "Woodstock"

Alyosha12/15/2016 2:06:16 am PST

Read the article.

Milo gives one of his fucked standup routines in defense of ‘freedom of speech’ at the University of Wilwaulkee, and singles out a transitioning trans-student for ridicule and sexual degradation. The Chancellor comes out with a weaksauce condemnation and the targeted student lets him have it with both barrels:

Chancellor Mark Mone


I am the trans student that was attacked and your email is nothing short of insulting. I wasn’t going to write this email at first, even after Milo attacked me, but then I saw your email and I’m SO FUCKING SICK of your goddamn lip service. Seriously go fuck yourself.

Your email? I don’t even know where to begin. Also, I don’t care if you feel “offended” or “harassed”. Welcome to my life. Sue me. I’d be more than happy to defend my free speech in court (since this is what you call it apparently) to lambast your ass for being an ungodly, fucking pathetic “ally.” And quite frankly I don’t care who the fuck reads this email (as you can tell by the CC) or what people think of me. I’m aware of where this email can end up. So be it. My “give a fuck card” was thrown out the window a long time ago. I’m going to write about you and YOUR fucked-up bullshit.

Seriously, read the whole email for yourself. It takes apart the Chancellor’s letter point by point and never relents. I cannot imagine being in that audience and being outed by name and with pictures as a ‘tranny’. So it’s good to read the words of someone who is righteously pissed and not prepared to knuckle under. Fuck these people for giving Milo a stage, fuck them for calling the police on those who assembled to protest and, most deservingly, FUCK Milo for his hateful bullshit dressed up in protected speech.

That fucker should be languishing in a dark cell for what he did.
