
Trump Returns From Europe, Immediately Goes on Rage-Tweeting Binge

Backwoods Sleuth5/28/2017 12:36:13 pm PDT

re: #48 HappyWarrior

I just get tired of these farts in the comments of sports stories ragging on kids and saying you’re not doing anything right if you’re winning. It’s a load of self-serving, revisionist bullshit. I enjoy winning. I’m definitely a competitive person but I refuse to consider myself a failure if I don’t win.

I heard the same crap as a baby boomer born when Truman was still president.
Sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll… all so bad…wait…nope…

As for your participation ribbon comments…for me (especially when it comes to Special Olympics, but actually any time in real life), the participation ribbon is acknowledging the effort made (and EFFORT can be the bravest thing a person ever does) and in team sports the operative word is TEAM (aka: able to work well with others).

anyhoo…thanks for sharing that righteous rant.