
Amazing New Song From Punch Brothers: "It's All Part of the Plan"

goddamnedfrank6/17/2018 2:52:34 am PDT

re: #49 Dr Lizardo

I’m just waiting for the NRA to start buying into that whole QAnon insanity.

It explains a lot about shit like the Pizzagate / QAnon conspiracy theory when you think about it, and how it evolved from the earlier base denial mechanism of the “crisis actor” conspiracy. These people can no longer just ignore or deny the tangible, incredibly visible harm they see happening to children due to their monstrous leaders and policies they’re supporting. So they must invent ways of psychologically coping with that reality, by inventing a shadowy unreality, and filling it with even more sinister forces and ascribing those forces to their political opposition. “Sure, OK, we’re kidnapping children and killing them through inaction but I KNOW that YOU’RE raping them, cooking & eating them and sacrificing them to Ha-Satan.”

Perversely, the fact that they can’t ever prove any of their allegations only becomes proof in their minds that the theories must be true, because only the biblical Adversary could cover his tracks so cleverly. They’ve painted themselves so far into the fascist corner that to actually confront the reality of all the horrors they’ve condoned, all the principles they’ve sacrificed & all the ways they’ve undermined the moral belief system they once held dear would result in a guaranteed mental breakdown.