
Saturday Night Jam: Mark Lettieri, "Star Catchers"

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization3/20/2021 10:02:16 pm PDT

Short version: I have persistent hiccups in the wake of a surgery. More details are behind the jump, but if any of you have had experience with this, I would love to hear how you worked it out.

Thank you all so much!

I had some colon surgery (they found a non-cancerous polyp that they couldn’t get rid of during a colonoscopy) a week ago yesterday, and I got home from the hospital on Monday afternoon. Recovery has gone as expected, but since early Tuesday morning (about 3 am) I have developed chronic off and on hiccups. At first, they were violent and led to some intense vomiting over the course of a day, but that has passed, and the power of the hiccups has declined somewhat, but it’s enough to wreak havoc. It’s very hard to carry on a conversation, sleep, eat sometimes.

Home remedies haven’t worked - holding breath, breathing into a bag, though a tablespoon of pure sugar did help for awhile.