
Seth Meyers: All U.S. Adults Now Eligible for Vaccine as GOP Struggles to Attack Biden

ericblair4/20/2021 12:52:20 am PDT

I’m now thinking that there is really something to this, given the parade of former senior DoD, intelligence and Congressional leadership that have said so publicly. I kinda doubt there are little green men on a slab in a basement of a Nevada military base, but a lot of lifer professionals are taking an inconvenient career-stopping line of thought seriously. What’s funny is that the media, in general, isn’t biting, besides the occasional News of the Weird type piece. We’ll see what the Congressional commission ends up coming out with in June, supposedly.

This whole situation would be totally on-brand for the 2020’s: instead of The Government keeping alien visitations a secret at all costs and plucky reporters and rogue FBI agents tracking down The Truth at great risk, we get The Government saying “hey, we think there is technology beyond human capability out there, and yup these videos are real”, and the plucky reporters tossing out the story since they can’t figure out how it affects Hunter Biden’s laptop.