
Stunning New Version of "When the Levee Breaks" Feat. John Paul Jones | Playing for Change | Song Around the World

Jay C2/20/2022 1:13:52 pm PST

re: #30 sagehen

but you are seeing the “mired in political dysfunction”, yes?

Yeah, I read that crap piece from Ezra Klein, too: I mean, it wasn’t totally crap; he made a number of cogent points: but AFAICT, the only thing it proves is “mired in dysfunction” is the political reporting from this country’s “mainstream” media. We know that it’s the editors who title these things, but the Pavlovian “Bad News For Joe Biden” reflex that seems to kick in in virtually any and all reportage in national/international affairs is really getting stale….

ETA: My bad!! I was commenting on an Opinion piece by Ezra in today’s NYTimes: I see that’s not(?) the linked article in #2. My opinion still holds, though