
Strange Bedfellows: New York Times and Creationist Museum

Kosh's Shadow1/12/2009 11:44:16 am PST

re: #29 Lincolntf

Speaking of tenuous connections to Creationism, has anyone else noticed that most of the Israeli news agencies/websites, etc. use the 5769 date (indicating 5, 769 years since Creation) as well as the AD/CE date?
Does that mean that when I’m reading pro-Israeli sources, I’m somehow getting my info. from Creationists?
I know I should stay out of these threads, but I only noticed the date thing yesterday.

Not any more than using AD means you must accept Jesus.
Jews use CE, for Common Era, because AD means “anno domini”, or “in the year of our lord”. Technically, only Christians should use AD, and then, only when communicating with each other.