
PJTV Hearing: The Stimulus Bill and Health Care

Gray Skies2/12/2009 3:44:38 pm PST

My two bits’ worth… one of the common complaints I hear from those favoring a national health care system is that the insurance companies should not be making health care decisions - those decisions should be between the doctor and patient. So how is a government board making those decisions any different?

Secondly, my son-in-law is a physician in a field of medicine that is experiencing a huge shortage of expertise right now. He absolutely refuses to continue in practice if national health care is implemented. The quality of care will deteriorate, in his opinion, and he does NOT want to deal with government bureaucracy. Dealing with Medicare right now is a nightmare as it is. He says that many doctors will voluntarily cease to be doctors anymore, and the government will have to hire from overseas.

Finally, the government is getting intrusive enough without having ready access to people’s personal medical information. This all has a very bad feel to it, and there is more behind it than meets the eye, in my humble opinion.