
The Two Million Protester Myth and the Right Wing Blogosphere

Dreader19629/16/2009 9:10:02 am PDT

I don’t understand why 60-70,000 is not enough for these people. From what I understand, that is the US Parks service estimate. On the same day, there were reports of gatherings in support of Obama and the health care reform (sponsored by the DNC) that drew ‘hundreds’ - the report was inexact. The video that I saw with this on CNN showed perhaps 40-50 people in front of the stage where the speakers were and no large crowd shots.

Saying one or two million is absurd, and when it is ‘supported’ by pictures from other rallies destroys credibility.

From the start, I thought these ‘Tea Parties’ were gimmicks. I would like to see a responsible plan to limit spending and at the same time work to pay down the debt (not just get rid of the deficit for a year or two). If it means higher taxes, then so be it. It’s not responsible to just preach tax cuts in a vacuum.