
Ready ... Set ... Now Count Those Words!

Dreader196210/06/2009 11:19:04 am PDT

re: #47 dentate

And I disagree that one needs to be looking for partisan reasons to object to the use of “I” and “me.” In George Will’s case, that may be the reason for his objection—it is certainly the reason he wrote on the topic, and presumably not because he objected to it as a matter of style.

That’s my only point her. I guess it’s a matter of fashion, and to some extent these things change with time. I’m old fashioned in that I was always taught (including by my novelist grandmother) to avoid using the first person pronoun in speech and in writing unless absolutely necessary. It’s a matter of politeness, like holding the door for someone. To each his own.

Did George Will write extensive studies of the grammar usage in George Bush’s every speech? No, of course not. You can’t view this in a vacuum.