
Mark Williams: It's Impossible for Tea Partiers to Be Racists

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/15/2010 11:50:07 am PDT

Of course the teabaggers are attacking the NAACP, a noble and decent organization, founded on moral issues with a righteous cause and legitimate grievance.

So of course, in the delusional mind of the teabags, the thing to do, is to deny all allegations, never admit fault, and counter by making false accusations, distortions, and yet more slurs. This is the legacy of Rove distilled to its most primal, schoolyard level and employed by angry, vicious morons.

It is the middle school playground writ large where the kids have lost all manners or regard for decency. Nothing shows that you aren’t racist quite like belittling a manifestly anti-racist organization or the legitimate grievances of the group it represents. Nothing quite says racist more than being a racist prick and then pretending that not only is nothing wrong, but that those offended are jerks for even noticing.

The teabaggers are wretched scum. It is that pure and simple.