
Bad Lip Reading: Rick Santorum Remix

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/02/2012 6:07:55 pm PST

Shockingly, the head of the IN state House expresses some sense:

Creationism bill may not get Indiana House vote

A Senate-approved plan allowing public schools to teach creationism probably will not be voted on by the Republican-controlled House.

House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, said he has not made a final determination on whether Senate Bill 89 will get a hearing and vote, but said he believes the General Assembly should not mandate what’s taught in science classrooms.

“Delving into an issue that the United States Supreme Court has, on at least on one occasion, said is not compliant with the Constitution may be a side issue and someplace we don’t need to go,” Bosma said. “Parents, families have a choice on where their children go to school; it’s an increasing choice now due to the legislation we passed last year.”
