
Video: Samantha Bee on Trump's Bizarre, Disturbing Concept of "Loyalty"

lawhawk2/02/2017 8:16:14 am PST

This bothers me to no end. I worry that my shul will be next. We have an active congregation, and others in the NYC metro area have been targeted with threats. It doesn’t take much to turn a threat into an actual attack. In fact a few years ago, someone did engage in firebombing shuls. They’re in jail now for attempted murder and arson and hate crimes, but here we’ve got Bannon/Trump pushing to end FBI program that identifies right wing terror groups and threats, not just Islamic terror groups.

Who benefits? Not those who are targeted by right wing terror groups and white supremacist/neo Nazi groups, who are increasingly active and coming out of the shadows thanks to Bannon/Trump.