
Charles Krauthammer Joins Everyone Else on the Right

Targetpractice8/13/2010 9:30:05 pm PDT

re: #506 crown_of_feathers

“The fact that you can’t tell the different between a sick ideology like Nazism and a legitimate religion like Islam tells me all I need to know where you head is at, namely rammed right up your keister.”

Well, this is really THE ISSUE of the 21st century. (I don’t mean your opinion about where my head is).

I mean, is it possible to live with Islam? Is it just a few bad eggs that give Islam a bad name (this is the George Bush doctrine), or is Islam QUA Islam something evil (the Robert Spencer approach).

I sure hope you BUSHites are correct. Because we are in a world of hurtin’ if Robert Spencer has analyzed things correctly.

And you know what? Unfortunately Robert Spencer knows a whole HELL of a lot more about Islam and its doctrines than George Bush.

And what of the few bad eggs who’ve gone around with a Bible in hand, claiming to do the lords work while killing abortion doctors or blowing up clinics? Or blowing up a federal building because they disagreed with the government? Or the ones who’ve abused children and allowed them to die instead of receive medical treatment because it goes against God’s plan?

Shit, how about the centuries of bloodshed, inquisitions, witch hunts, and other inhumanity towards our fellow man that was committed in the name of God? Is Christianity still a “good” religion despite all that?