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iceweasel9/27/2011 8:24:32 am PDT

re: #507 Renaissance_Man

I’m not sure everyone else has noticed. I made a post a while back about how it really is okay, in American society, to hate liberals. That sort of stuff is, well, kind of patriotic. At best, people get frustrated by ‘both sides fighting’.

The worst part of cult propaganda is not that it makes cultists angrier. That’s tragic, but a limited, local phenomenon. The worst part is that it infects public perception, and gradually shifts public perception to ignore all but its most blatant excesses. It really is okay to hate liberals, to push hate. I talk to a lot of people, and I hear some variant of ‘yeah, FOX is pretty bad, but all the other networks are just as bad, so it all works out’ all the time. Or ‘sure, I don’t believe he’s a Muslim/Kenyan traitor/whatever, but he’s pretty socialist blah blah blah wealth redistribution blah blah higher taxes’. That’s the worst part - changing reality.

The Overton Window on right wing eliminationist rhetoric has been dragged all the way to the right over the last two decades. Dave Newiert has been great on documenting this. Radio screamers like Rush did their part too well.