
Another Commie Plot?

Kragar9/17/2012 9:25:11 am PDT

Todd Akin’s Wife Compares GOP Abandonment to Rape

Rep. Todd Akin’s wife, Lulli Akin, says the Republican Party’s attempts to push her husband out of the Missouri Senate race — over his false assertion that women who are raped rarely get pregnant — are like rape itself.

She also believes the GOP’s abandonment is on par with the tyranny that launched the American Revolution.

Akin’s wife isn’t the first one to compare Akin’s explosive rape comments, and the ensuing fallout, to rape: Bryan Fischer said the party’s treatment of the embattled candidate had made Akin “a victim of forcible assault.”

Lulli Akin made the charge in a new National Journal profile, which reveals a family affair of a campaign — Akin’s campaign manager is his son, and Lulli is also a key player.