
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Salamantis2/27/2009 12:43:29 am PST

re: #509 useless

Maybe buzzy had a Pagan piss in his corn flakes or make out with his girl at a party. I bet that’s it. Girls can’t resist us pagan chaps.

I really don’t care about the reasons WHY buzz feels as he does, even though I’ve already stated in this thread what I, for good and ample reasons derived from his own past posts, surmise that they are. Whatever those reasons may be, they appear to be sufficiently justificatory in his rationale for him to engage in a continuing campaign of groundlessly and gratuitously impugning thread commentary against me. His motivations are of no concern to me; I only care about the fact of the execrable thread attacks in which he relentlessly engages because of them. And those actions are indeed irritating, although not intimidatingly so. Nobody likes being falsely and repeatedly smeared and slandered, in the absence of any provocation whatsoever. But such actions will not inhibit in the least my free expression of my considered opinions concerning topics that arise on this site.