
Overnight Open Thread

SixDegrees9/05/2009 8:53:25 am PDT

re: #498 kansas

OK, sorry. If President Obama could manage some policies that would encourage job growth, that would help.

Unlikely. At the moment, the Administration wants to get nationalized health care launched, and the more people who are out of work or waiting for the shoe to drop on their jobs the more support there is for such a plan out of sheer fear.

Also, the midterms aren’t for more than a year; politicians don’t have a big incentive to listen to their constituents griping about high unemployment, because they won’t face any consequences for those high rates for at least a few more month, once the campaign season moves into full swing.

In short, there’s simply no incentive to boost the employment rate, and the climate of fear induced by the current high rates works to the Administration’s advantage.

It isn’t that the Administration is actively promoting such fear and uncertainty and destruction of security. But it doesn’t serve their purposes at this point to do anything about them, and there’s no meaningful pressure from the electorate at this moment.

This is why Congress has been hell-bent on ramming a health care bill through at breakneck speed - before October, and before the midterm election cycle gets underway. Things haven’t worked out nearly as well as they might have hoped, but don’t look for any real job creation from the Administration or Congress for the next few months. It simply doesn’t do them any good at this point.