
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

unproven innocence11/27/2009 11:10:13 pm PST

re: #422 Bagua

Oh, now we are back to “called me a racist.” Accuracy is not a big issue with you I see.

I will save you the trouble John, I called you “a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;” the definition of the word bigot. I think that fits your mind set very well, both then and now.

As I recall, the secondary definition fit as well.

So you smeared JohninLondon as a bigot in that thread, not racist. You smeared me similarly, in a later thread.

You took offense at my suggestion that you do some research on ACORN before continuing to defend it, maintaining that you already “knew all about” ACORN. You were repeatedly chastising JohninLondon for the points he listed against ACORN, “without proof” (your words), yet you had stated that you were loathe to go on any “wild goose chases” to follow any links that might be posted in the way of such proof. That, and yet another bigot smear, was what prompted my initial post to you.