
Tech Corner: iPad 2 Springs Forth

austin_blue3/02/2011 9:34:47 pm PST

re: #474 ggt

Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals

It’s the plastics! They are everywhere.

Seriously it is a concern the NIH is involved in a study to determine just how much of a concern it is.

Phthalates. Endocrine disruptors. Bad juju. Ubiquitous in the US. Other countries, not so much. Many have banned them.

You don’t *even* want to go to research on what endocrine disruptors have done to aquatic life in the Great Lakes and other study areas:

For other impacts, there’s this:

Scary shit. Unintended impacts of the chemical industry.

((Note Dows’ former advertising tagline: “Without chemicals, life itself would be impossible!” True, but perhaps not what they intended.))