
National Review Writer Upset Because Donald Trump Isn't Saying the Magic Words

Dr Lizardo9/11/2015 8:37:03 am PDT

Well, this is horrific. A murder-suicide of a family of five, with no survivors, in Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota.

Police officers checking the welfare of residents at a home in the west metro city of Greenwood on Thursday came upon a scene their chief called “unspeakable” — the bodies of five family members, including three teenagers.

The five bodies bore traumatic injuries and were scattered throughout the large house on Channel Drive. The deaths appeared to be a multiple murder-suicide, said South Lake Minnetonka interim Police Chief Mike Siitari.

The family — a father, mother and three teenagers — had not been seen for a couple of days at work or school, and the father’s co-workers had asked police to check on them, he said.

“This is a complex crime scene” that will take several days to sort through, Siitari said.

Sounds like one of those “family annihilation” crimes. Horrible. RIP.