
The GOP and Creationism

Scion92/23/2009 10:36:04 am PST

re: #293 fish

Becuase Republicans have become too liberal. Did either your Governor or Congresscritter turn D because the R was talking about ID or because they weren’t cutting spending and taxes like they had promised? Heck, I would vote for a D if he made me believe he was going to be more conservative than the R.

I hate to break this to you, but Bobby Jindal and his ilk are basically Christian Socialists. Jindal agrees with every damn thing the Dems have to say that really matters. The Dems are Hegelian-interpreted mainline Protestants sans God (AKA Marxists). You put the God back in the equation and you got the Discovery Institute and their ilk. The Creationist, populist rabble are constantly going off on rants against “Corporatism”, etc. They are not fiscally conservative; they are not conservative at all.

As for Kansas, the reason the state was lost is because the Dems are simply going in and running without touching abortion, ID, or anything else that doesn’t fucking matter. The Republicans go in and run off at the mouth about things that only a bunch of lunatic religious reactionaries give a shit about; completely missing any opportunity to rebut the Dems on policy issues that actually effect peoples lives. They don’t do it, because they can’t. Dems say they want socialism and advocate collectivism, and how can the Christian Socialists rebut that? They want it too.

There is whole fucking Michael Moore style documentary coming out about Kansas this year. Maybe you should go check it out.