
Creationists Given Academic Credit for Trolling

swamprat8/10/2009 8:35:34 pm PDT

We have an aging population and the medical community has been raped and pillaged by the lawyers.
Something should be done.
Tort reform is the elephant in the drawing room.
Nobody wants to do what is necessary, so instead they want to do what every body else has done and have socialized medicine.
But both are needed.
A reasonable tort reform should be addressed.
Medicare and Medicaid should be amended, and repaired to fit the needs of a nation that needs both lightly socialized medical care hand in hand with a robust and healthy private medical industry.
We can do this without tearing the friggin’ nation apart.
We can do this without rushed health-care bills, staged riots, union goons, bullshit interpretations, deliberate disruptions masquerading as dissent, and political posturing.
The dems have pushed this monstrosity claiming it is change; Brother, “change” doesn’t begin to cover it!
The republicans are screaming like a child in a restaurant, just to drag their feet and claiming all this fuss is coming from middle America when the pattern of behavior is hardly spontaneous.

We need better leaders. I am getting fucking sick of political theater passing itself off as statesmanship.
I remember when we did not act like a third world country