
Update: Ky. Census Worker Committed Suicide

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/24/2009 3:38:49 pm PST

re: #512 Bagua

The term is only for the propagandists who exaggerate. Just as Denier does not apply to legitimate AGW sceptics who make valid and honest arguments.

There aren’t currently any valid or honest scientific arguments against AGW, that I’m aware of, except for the “there is a small percentage chance that we’re wrong and the rising CO2 will trigger some countermechanism that will bring temperature back to balance”. That’s rather unlikely.

The earth is warming. Even those who still debate man’s part in it, who are vanishingly small in number among climatologists, very few of them deny that, and most of those are very, very much fringe elements.

I don’t think using such a term is going to help in any way.