
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

avanti1/30/2009 9:14:03 pm PST

Interesting comment via Hot Air from Arena :

Over at the Arena, Democratic strategist Lanny Davis had some interesting comments about the RNC Chairman’s race. He said:

Michael Steele was positively my last preference for RNC Chair — since he was, and is, by far, the most effective, articulate center - right voice of the Republican Party, with a firm but friendly manner on TV and, thus, the best possible choice for the GOP to appeal to the broad middle of American society. For all those reasons, I hoped the RNC would not elect him. I am surprised that a party that currently has Rush Limbaugh as its leading voice (my personal preference for Republican Chair) would be wise enough to reject Mr. Limbaugh and elect Michael Steele.

As a Democrat, I am very disappointed.