
Obama Suddenly Worried About Freeing Gitmo Terrorists

funky chicken2/02/2009 12:58:46 pm PST

re: #196 Ayatollah Ghilmeini

-And the little darlings in Gitmo would never hurt anyone so let’s close America’s “konzentrationlager” and restore our “image in the world!” Never mind these detainees are so dangerous that those who clamor for their release nor anyone else wants them. I have a great idea, fly them to air bases in the UK and Germany to release them! WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?

- They negotiate with Iran, no fallback plan when Iran detonates a bomb in south central Iran later this year. This year is the 30th anniversary of the Islamic revolution, and an election year. Given the long lead time on nukes, you think they might not have planned for this to be a year of “celebration?”

- Never again will I be silent when lefties tell me about “the October Surprise.” Obama and half his foreign policy “thinkers” (and use that term loosely) conspired to violate the Logan Act. They talked one President at a time while conducting their own illegal foreign policy. Were I a Republican leader, I would put every single one of these characters on notice that in the event of an Iranian attack, the GOP will move for the impeachment of all involved and their prosecution on manslaughter charges for any and all deaths resulting from the inevitable catastrophe that will come from Obama and his people being so smart about the human nature or Iran’s leaders. They jointly agreed to violate US law; the resulting deaths were caused by their criminal recklessness- when you entreat with a dictator intent on attacking us and undermine the current administration’s efforts to contain the danger, you are responsible. Maybe OBama will get lucky and the regime will collapse, the greater likelihood is a nuclear Iran and a war in which millions get killed.

- They are already cutting defense budgets and that will embolden our enemies to act against our interests elsewhere. The Navy is going to shrink 30-50% over the next five years. The air force will see the F-22 shot down and take half the air force with it. The Army will also get chopped significantly. Repeat after me: wars follow defense cuts.

Actually, based upon the negotiations with Iran and Syria alone, I think a case could be made to impeach the Obastard right now. Throw in the Daschle and Geithner nominations/confirmations as special sauce of high crimes and misdemeanors.

it won’t happen, of course.

Hey, gotta thank those “true conservatives” who sat home by the millions and thus ensured Obama’s election. great job guys. really.