
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

Former Belgian5/26/2009 11:23:38 am PDT

re: #483 zombie

Gotta agree on that. Her statement reeks of racism.

Once again, she was at a liberal university (U.C. Berkeley), speaking to a sympathetic crowd, where she lets her true feelings out.

Even in my leftist days I was vehemently opposed to reverse discrimination, excuse me, “affirmative action”. Which in Berkeley made me a right-winger ;-) I quickly that even if you’re into far-left territory economically speaking (as I was then), advocating equality of opportunity as opposed to equality of outcome (the supposedly “progressive” position) gets you labeled a conservative around certain people, no matter how much I protested my loathing for Reagan etc.

Eventually I came to realize that the “progressives” and the reactionaries (those who want to preserve their historically entrenched privileges at the expense of the rest of us) are simply two sides of the same coin —- they just disagree over who should be the privileged class.