
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

medaura1858610/02/2009 1:33:32 pm PDT

re: #465 Ben Hur

The above conversation about Brazilian women.

They are way up there on the list. Actually, most of SA is. Actually, hot is hot, no matter where she’s from.

Maybe it’s because the wife is preggars and I’m losing my effing mind.

I have a little theory, and it goes like this: Women can be hot in many different ways — tall, short, petite, athletic, curvy, blond, red, brunette, any colors, any built. It may be possible to be stuck among a few specimen very different physically, but which one cannot choose who is hotter than whom. So female beauty is more permissive.

Men, on the other hand, tend to have strictly hierarchical looks. There’s no short list I couldn’t arrange from most attractive to least. Perhaps because male beauty is more functional and less ornamental, compared to female beauty: If you’re a short, weak, non-muscular guy, no way that’s attractive.

Or it could be the game theory of human mating since ancient times: Men need be less monogamous than women, so are attracted to a variety of features and forms. But if that were the case, it doesn’t explain why even I, a woman, see that women are attractive in more diverse ways.