
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

TheObjectivist10/02/2009 1:34:49 pm PDT

Yes, I am happy to celebrate the loss of the Olympics in Chicago. (dancin in Chicaaago, dancin in the streets)

And yes, part of it has to do with Obama, but not in the way you think. The Olympics in Chicago would give Obama yet another way to reward patronage, to pay off his local cronies with public money.

From what I have read, the Olympics is always a loser, from a monetary cost/benefit perspective. One article I read says the cost of Olympic preparation is often underestimated by a factor of 10, and can cost in excess of $10 billion. Compare this to a few hundred million in tourist dollars, and you can see why I am against it. I invite others to seek out this information for themselves, I have not studied it in depth.

You cannot fight a man… or a party… whose basic creed is to purchase votes with your tax dollars.

Hosting the Olympics is also so the govt elite can showcase themselves. The Chinese just spent $40 billion on their Olympics, while the people in the Provinces starve.

I would NOT have supported the Olympics if MCain was Pres, but how much more fishy would it be if was “coincidentally” suggested that Scottsdale, AZ be the site of them?

By the way, to the owner of this blog - where is the conservative/libertarian Charles Johnson, and what have you done with him? (lol)

(Just kiddin man.)