
Sarah Palin: Shakespeare Did It Too, You Meanies

Kefirah7/18/2010 9:31:50 pm PDT

re: #502 iceweasel

alouette’s taxonomy also [rightfully] noted the disadvantages, drawbacks, and flaws of the rightist news source arutz sheva. it really is like fox news, and should always be read as such.

however, “leftist” news outlets have a tendency to disregard hard facts on the ground, such as: a one.state solution ultimately negates jewish self.determination [jews don’t fare well in countries where we are the minority, see: the forgotten refugees forced out of middle east countries, not to mention the shoah]; there has been a jewish presence in israel and the middle east for hundreds, thousands of years; and land for peace has been tried before [after the six day war, gaza, camp david, etc.]. for those who believe that a jewish democratic state is both possible and necessary, these are sort of “unforgivable” media sins, rendering their reporting irreparably “slanted”, even though they sometimes do point out legitimate issues of social justice that are concerning.

the problem, in summation, is that ha’aretz often fails to provide context.

media in israel has the same sort of problem american media has - any slant in any direction taints objective reporting. jerusalem post probably does the best job of anyone over there, insofar as balanced [fox news has ruined that word for me] reporting is concerned.

op-eds, as always, are a different story. your mileage may vary.

*not to be construed as answering for alouette. merely offering my own opinion on israeli media.