
Overnight Open Thread

Spocomptonite5/04/2011 10:15:35 am PDT

re: #481 Obdicut

Do you really feel it’s behavior so terrible you need to tut-tut about it?

And why are you putting the people who are celebrating the end of Bin Laden in terms of flag-waving, shot-taking, street-dancing? Most people aren’t anywhere near that.

It was a reference to #472.

Look, guys. And girls. OBL getting killed: good thing. It’s the same for how I feel about executions in general: a necessary evil. Am I glad he’s gone? yes. But I can’t celebrate something I find an evil itself, even if it is a necessary one. I’m not going to say, “Woo Hoo! Yay!” to, say, a lethal injection. It is not a happy thing, and the best we can get out of any human’s death, even OBL’s, is that it brings closure and justice to the victims that were killed before. And I sincerely hope that it does bring much closure to 9/11 victims families, because they need and deserve that.

I don’t mean to “tut-tut” anyone. Sorry if I got a little too “moon-batty”.