
Police Investigate Rep. Weiner's Contact with 17-Year Old Girl

hugh596/11/2011 5:29:30 am PDT

re: #293 albusteve

re: #291 Kid A

I hate hockey almost as much as I hate the IRS

I am an end of thread hero, a Republican, a Jew, AND I work for a state’s department of taxation. That is almost the IRS. Can you hate me too? Please? Please?

Oops…almost time for shul. Gotta run to synagogue with the wife. 3 hours of services. But, we get lunch at the end of it…and they serve hard liquor! I think I will have a double shot of whiskey. I am being so bad this Shabbat. Last night I changed the oil on my vintage VW Super Beetle. Now I am posting comments.

Good Shabbat to all of you!