
US Airways Plane Crashes into Hudson River

CapeCoddah1/15/2009 2:36:47 pm PST

re: #474 DeafDog

I agree that from a customer service perspective, these passengers will be treated royally.

And, yes, the bloodsuckers are definitly licking their chops. John Edwards is looking for work and he’s probably already build the case. I hope the passengers fight that temptation, but they probably will yield to it and get some extra cash.

But based on the contract in the ticket, I don’t think these customers are ‘due’ a refund. They are just due booking on the next flight to their destination.

Ya know, if an ambulance chaser came to my home, had I been on this plane, I
would have them arrested for trespassing. This was no one’s fault, It was geese. Unavoidable. That pilot saved everyones life, and that would be plenty for me. Anyone who sues over this is a horses ass.