
Awesome New Jam From Bokanté: "Nou Tout Sé Yonn"

calochortus5/08/2017 11:27:42 am PDT

re: #484 Timothy Watson

I’ve been getting e-mails from a couple candidates here in Virginia for the election this year. I gotten so sick of them that I’ve started unsubscribing to every political e-mail that I get. Getting constant e-mails from someone I’ve donated to and signed-up for is annoying enough, but I also get e-mails from wannabe Delegates running half-way across the state begging for money.

I vaguely remember hearing that Obama’s 2008 campaign discovered that you could keep hitting people up for money over and over and they would keep contributing. Even then I thought that was going to come back to bite them in the butt. We’ve pretty much quit giving to political things because I’m not interested in spam and I’m particularly not interested in phone calls.