
CPAC Live Video 1

517 8:10:08 pm PST

re: #514 Sosigado

OT public service announcement:

I received my Kindle 2 this morning. The USPS surprised the heck out of me.
I don’t wish to step on Charles’ toes by giving a mini-review, since I believe
he stated that he would comment on it when he got his.

I’ll just say this - it is one friggin’ incredible little piece of technology. If you
love to read (as do I) and you can possibly squeeze this baby into your
budget, I urge you to run, not walk to Amazon and get one. You will not
be disappointed!

That is all.


I got mine yesterday, have been playing with it since then.
It is, as you say, a friggin’ incredible piece of technology.
There are books that are “upcoming” soon, and if they aren’t available for pre-order on Kindle, I’m clicking the “tell the publisher” button.