
Snowe: 'Ideological Purity Is Not the Ticket Back'

Salamantis4/29/2009 11:37:58 pm PDT

re: #512 jdog29

Obama is doing such a disasterous job the Whiggs would win the House and Senate back in 2010 if they were the only alternative. If the R’s don’t implode it’ll all go their way and the Dem’s will only have themselves to blame as Obama’s unprecendented incompetence paves the way for the Palin/Huckabee ticket to take the Whitehouse in 2012.

Now listen up lizards, I’m not saying this is justice or the way things ought to be, I’m just talking about plain ole reality. If the social cons are not revved up about the so called conservative candidate they will just stay home like they did this past November.

Huckabee is the electoral kiss of death for any national ticket.