
LGF Palin Approval Polls

_RememberTonyC7/07/2009 12:56:53 pm PDT

re: #465 rollwave87

I’m a moderate Republican, a Jewish Republican, and a gay Republican (among other things). In other words, I am not a conservative Republican. But I have supported Sarah Palin since before John McCain picked her last year (a decision I was praying he would make), and I will continue to ardently do so. Not to sound too self-important, but the fact that even someone such as myself is a Palin backer does more to refute the media stereotypes about her and her supporters than Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck ever could. I’ve disagreed with the Governor, especially when she came out in support of Miss ‘Opposite Marriage’ in California a few months ago, but I have no doubt that, while fallible, she is a figure of epic proportions re: the American experience.

I think she made the right decision last week. Anyone who thinks a mother and athlete like Sarah Palin is a quitter is an exceptionally poor judge of human character.

I’m gonna ding you up just for being a Gay, Jewish Republican.