
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk3/05/2010 8:19:25 am PST

re: #495 drcordell

If we’re supposed to be calling a spade a spade, how about calling Hamas out for what it is - a terror group. Ditto for Fatah, which together comprises the PA.

Call both out for failing to amend their charters that call for Israel’s destruction. Stop ignoring the propaganda and failure to adhere to the Oslo Accords.

That would be the role of an honest broker. Instead, the way that the US has operated for decades is to ignore all the violations and push things forward ignoring the reality on the ground that one party to the conflict (the Palestinians) wants nothing less than the elimination of the other.

Israel has repeatedly shown that construction of communities and housing is not an impediment to peace - it withdrew from Sinai and Gaza to much consternation and grief from those Israelis who were displaced. Israel got a peace treaty with Egypt, and a rocket war from Gaza. That’s an image that sticks with Israel - they see that the Palestinians have no genuine interest in peace when they’re given the opportunity to develop an economy and with the backing of the international community and instead turn Gaza into an armed camp for the next phase of a war with Israel.