
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

lawhawk5/04/2010 7:05:39 am PDT


Somalia and Chechnya were failed states even before the jihadis came to view them as safe havens. The jihadis flock to them because they are failed states, but they also go to Pakistan because of the border regions - and even with the Islamists having full support and have made multiple attempts to overthrow the government there, they’ve fallen short.

So, you now think that the threat is overrated? That’s fine - but as someone who regularly utilizes the mass transit repeatedly targeted by terrorists - who works next to Ground Zero (itself targeted twice), takes the tunnels (targeted multiple times), etc. the threat is far more substantial than if you’re from somewhere in suburban America. The odds of being a victim from a terror attack increase the more frequently you’re using the very systems/institutions that have been repeatedly targeted.

We’ve also boosted our security and surveillance following 9/11 to make it more difficult for terrorists to hijack airlines (armored cockpits to thwart hijackings, etc).

The key is to remain vigilant and if you let down your guard, the terrorists can and will take advantage.

Actually - they went from hijacking planes with nothing more than boxcutters to making all kinds of bombs that evaded detection by airport screeners. So, now a hijacking is much more difficult to attempt because of the armored cockpits, but screeners still can’t pick up the liquid explosives that hijackers now use in their recent attempts.