
Lettin' It All Hang Out

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All10/26/2010 9:24:10 am PDT

re: #508 Obdicut

Why on earth should anyone trust Bob Barr, though? He’s never provided anything like a convincing narrative for how his views have done a 180. He’s never really taken responsibility for the damage he did by pushing them for twenty years, either.

Celebrate Bob Barr as someone who changed his mind, but to make him the presidential candidate was such a shockingly cynical decision by the Libertarian Party it removed the last vestige of respect that I had for them as a party.

A quick review of Mond’s position on AGW shows that he’s ignorant on it. He acknowledges warming, but he doesn’t understand what AGW is, using the idiotic phraseology “I am not convinced that humans are the lone source and a debate is needed and long overdue with open dialogue from all sides presenting their respective cases.”

Why are big-L Libertarians so universally bad on the subject of science? Is it because science largely belongs to public institutions, or that science shows that communal action is necessary, or that science implies regulation is essential? The Libertarians ought to be the most pro-science party out there, but they’re about a half-step better than the GOP— and that is simply not good enough.

To be honest, I think that the reason why a lot of big L Libertarians are bad on the subject of science is because they don’t have the guts to say what they really feel, that global warming is such a long term down the road issue that it’s something they don’t really think is worth investing and regulating as a government.

They’re wrong. but that philosophical belief in the limited role of government is a major driving force behind their statements. And to be honest, it’s possible Monds really doesn’t know enough to make a statement. You’re right that it’s not good enough, but it’s better than a blanket denial that I see from so many conservatives.

Re: Barr - (Disclaimer, I contributed to the Barr Campaign) I totally respect what you’re saying and can see where you’re coming from, but I think if nothing else, Barr has the zeal of a convert but also the credibility of being a former congressman, which can help sway people to understand the libertarian party isn’t just a party of kooks and crazies. The effort didn’t quite work, particularly with a polarizing right wing and a historically high turnout and enthusiasm for Obama. (it’s hard to get people to vote third party when they’re actually happy with their candidates)

I know the Libertarian party has some serious and potentially fatal flaws, but it’s still the party closest to my philosophy with the Democrats second. (maybe liberaltarian is more apt for me…)