
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

Guanxi8812/23/2009 2:56:44 pm PST

re: #508 obdicut

You could call that one person by her name, I guess. Nice stretch there, Mr. Armstrong.

You seriously meant, by ‘leftists’, above, people who see in Mao an inspiring example of political genius?

Is your view of the ‘left’ really that warped?

The left as a whole is not Maoist, but Maoism is not excluded from the political left - no more than Franco is excluded from the right.

I’d note that approval for Franco (and others, worse still, who will not be named, Godwin’s Law and all) or for the use of their images, iconography, etc., are not tolerated by or among the mainstream of the political or cultural Right, but that Mao and Che are de rigeur to the political and cultural left.